1. What's your favorite rainy day activity?
sleeping in, then lounging on the couch watching mindless tv
2. What time do you go to bed?
haha it could be anywhere from 12am to 4am. On a typical night about 1am.
3. How many magazines do you subscribe to?
o goodness I think two right now...Glamour and Lucky
4. Did you sell all your belongings because you thought the world was ending yesterday?
haha no.
5. What's your beauty obsession?
anything NARS! and mascara
6. If you could only wear one designer/brand for the rest of your life...what would it be?
o goodness thats hard! I'm gonna cheat and use a store....Nordstrom
7. What's your summer must have?
8. Do you make weekly dinner menus?
haha considering I don't cook....no!