Happy Halloween!!
One of my favorite beauty bloggers/Youtubers Amarixe posts a
questionnaire every Monday so I thought this would be a great post
for Halloween!
Leave your responses below or post on your blog so I can
read them!
1) Mood
exhausted. it has been an very tiring/emotionally exhausting day
2) When was the last time you carved a pumpkin?
o goodness probably when I was 10 or 11
3) What is your favorite Halloween candy?
Nonchocolate: candy corn
Chocolate: Butterfingers
4) What is your favorite Halloween memory?
Gonna have to say Halloween party sophomore year. I dressed up
as the ever popular Sarah Palin and definitely had a
fun time dancing the night away!
5) Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
I definitely believe that loved ones we have lost are watching over
and at times are right there with us, but I don't believe
in the spooky ghost types.
6) Were you allowed to dress up at school for Halloween as a kid?
I'm almost sure we were allowed in elementary school, but not in
middle/high school since I went to a private Christian school.
7) Did you trick-or-treat as a kid? At what age did you stop?
Of COURSE I did!! My mom made me quit at 13 but I still went
around with my little brother and his friends so a couple years I
still got candy! :)
8) What is your favorite Halloween movie?
I am NOT a fan of scary movies! I can't even think of a movie that I
like that has anything to do with Halloween!
9) Did you dress up for Halloween this year? If so, as what?
I was invited to a Halloween party/downtown at the VERY last
minute (like that afternoon) so I played it safe and went as a
Carolina football player!
10) Weekly goals
Call Time Warner to fix bill
Clean apartment since whole family could potentially be coming
over Saturday!
Start studying for next week's plant test :/