I can't decide yet whether or not I'm going to like this Grey's Anatomy spin-off. Even though she wrecked havoc on my favorite couple's relationship, Addison has become one of my favorite characters on the show. I do like the fact that they decided to let Addison go someplace bright and tropical. No offense to Seattle *I hear its a great city* but the show seems to give it an overall "blahness" or lack of color to it. This new beachy location gives the show color. But I'm thinking as long as her spinoff doesn't take away too much from the present characters, I think it will be good.
Anyways, I have come to realize that I love reading blogs, but I guess since the whole process is still new to me I dont have the habit of blogging myself on a regular basis. Hopefully this will be remedied after I graduate!! Gosh I cant believe in less than a month I will be finished with high school. My parents are throwing me a graduation party for the family and friends the Saturday after graduation, so were beginning to plan that. The colors for the party are going to be pink and green *of course* and I'm thinking the flowers are going to be deep pink gebera daises, but I'm not sure yet...any suggestions?? How else could I encorporate pink and green into the party?