Happy 2012 everyone! Hope the first couple days of the new year have treated you well. I've spent the last couple days finishing up dog sitting for my aunt and DEEP cleaning my apartment, which has been WAYYYY overdue!! My baby cousin is moving in for the semester so I needed to get all of my things out of her room and closet as well as clean out my closet and throw away all the things that had piled up throughout the semester! Now that almost all the laundry is done and trash thrown away, now comes the more fun stuff....buying new organization things! Once I have everything situated how I want it I'm hoping to do an apartment tour post that has been overdue for about 3 years!! I'm also hoping to put together my first ever blog sale!
Once again I am linking up with Rachel @ Just Peachy for Top 5 Tuesday and this week's topic is jewelry! So here are some of my favorite pieces...
1. Michael Kors Multifunction Bracelet Watch in Tortoise - My parents got me this watch for Christmas last year and it hasn't left my arm since!! I absolutely love it and would be lost without it!
2. Sapphire Ring - This was a gift for my 22nd birthday and like my watch it has become an everyday staple! Sapphires aren't that delicate of stones (compared to pearls for example) so I feel safe wearing it. I usually don't go for this style of ring (more old-fashioned) but you all know since Kate Middleton came on the scene with Princess Diana's engagement ring that this ring has been popping up everywhere. I remember looking through all the jewelry stores' flyers and every single one had a similar ring.
3. David Yurman inspired chain necklace - I bought this necklace two years ago at Columbia's Junior League Holiday market and it immediately became a regular in my jewelry wardrobe. A lot of my friends have mistaken it for a DY piece and while the quality is not exactly DY, it's still a good substitution until I can afford the real thing!
4. Tiffany & Co. Return to Tiffany Heart Ring - I got this on my 17th birthday and it was my first piece of really nice jewelry. I wore it daily on my pinky finger and eventually the band molded to how it sat on my finger because I wore it so much! I thought I had lost this after I couldn't find it for over year but during this deep cleaning I found it my old Vera Bradley tote!
5. Mabe Pearl Earrings - I think pearls of any kind are timeless, so when my parents gave me these for my high school graduation I was SO excited! These are my daily go-to earrings and I always feel more put together when I wear them. These also started the tradition of my parents giving me pearls for a milestone event (necklace on my 21st birthday, bracelet for college graduation).
What are some of your favorite jewelry pieces?
Happy New Year! So many of my friends have the Michael Kors bracelet watch and it doesn't leave their wrist either...love the tortoise. I just happened upon your blog today and it is too cute!! I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!!
Twirling Clare
Oh I love number 2! My sister got me a similar ring this year for Christmas. I just love your jewelry style :-)
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