- today started out awful! I set my alarm for 7am so that I could wake up and study for my spanish test that was at 10:10. Well, I didn't wake up till 9:40, so I had to rush out the door without washing my face or makeup and made it to my test just in time. Needless to say I didn't do much studying before hand.
- Wednesdays are my long days where I go from 10:10am until 5pm. From 2:30 to 5 I am in lab, and if you've ever had a college lab, it is SO frustrating to have so much work to do for a ONE CREDIT HOUR class!!
- For said lab, I had a paper due at 11:55pm that nobody had any idea how to do correctly.Needless to say I submitted mine with about 2 minutes to spare and it wasn't even completely done.
So after all that, this news that popped up on twitter MADE MY NIGHT!

Mariska Hargitay and her husband adopted a baby girl!!!! You can read all about it on people.com. When I saw this news I quickly got tears in my eyes. Adoption holds SUCH a special place in my heart (read my story here) and this makes me love Mariska even more. As you all know I am a huge fan of L&O:SVU and a major reason is because of her. After learning more about her and her life story, she is SUCH an inspirational person to me. These days when Hollywood is filled with people going crazy, I feel people like Mariska, who work hard and use their notoriety for good, don't always get the credit that they deserve. She is someone I consider a role model and comforts me to know that she didn't find her 'purpose' in life until she was in her mid-30s when she started SVU (an issue I'm struggling with now).
Anyways, my not-so-fabulous-day had a HUGE pick-up when I heard this news. Everytime I look at this picture I can't help but smile :) Hope everyone else had a great hump day. I would be excited for the weekend but starting tomorrow I am working 5 days straight :/ Which I guess is a good thing considering I have about $10 in my bank account!
"The riskier the endeavor, the more exhilarating the reward"
-Mariska Hargitay
what a great story, I have never heard of Mariska before! but I love that quote!! ^.^
ReplyDeletejust wanted to let you know, that I have a great giveaway on my blog! A Bikini by a young female designer! Check out, you'll love it! i PROMISE!